Hey guys, I have surgery this monday to repair my torn cartilage in my wrist. I’m so excited because this means I’m closer to riding my bike everyday again. It took 2 months from when I first did it to now to finally get some answers and to find out I need Surgery, So I’m super excited to start the healing process. My surgeon is one of the best in Brisbane aswell so it’s that’ a little bit of stress of my back.

I am super grateful for the support Colony has given,I wouldn’t of been able to get this surgery Colony. The    medical costs are not cheap.

It’s a boring life with out BMX !! The bright side is I have a lot of free time now to work and Save some $$ for surgery & travel plans – I am planning to fly to France for FISE Contest and England for NASS contest next year.

Also Some great news is we are dropping my new Web Video sometime in september.

Check some pics of what I have been up to over at @alexhiam on instagram.

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